Yield for Benefits in a Healthy Relationship
People in relationships often overlook the idea that both partners should receive benefits. We call these Yellow Rights, because both partners yield to each other for mutual benefits. It may seem like common sense. But it often causes friction because while each partner expects benefits to be given to them, they don't necessarily see the need to reciprocate.
There are a lot of benefits that you need to know about, and in this article we'll tell you about them, as well as:
How benefits are given and received in a new relationship.
How benefits can subside in a longer relationship, and how to avoid that
- A Yellow Rights Quiz: Find out where you are in your relationship
Check out this small sample of the article you are about to receive:
"Benefits are the reason most people go into relationships. If there were no benefits in relationships, then everyone would be happier staying single or just living with a roommate. However, a person can gain distinct and wonderful benefits if he or she is willing to be part of a meaningful relationship. But neither partner should get all of his or her rights at the expense of the other; both partners need to yield so that there is mutual give-and-take."
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