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Get the best relationship advice available on the web and buy the book that will show exactly where you are in your relationship.


The Map to Happily Ever After Starts Where You Are!


relationship rights book home imageA Roadmap to Build the Best Possible Relationship


Why live with just a so-so, disappointing

or unfulfilling relationship, when you

deserve the best relationship

you can get?


Here’s what experts are saying....



"If you want your relationship to work, read this book. Relationship Rights (and wrongs) gives both partners understandable guidelines and the language on how to share feelings in a positive way to make the relationship the best it can be."


Mark Victor Hansen



#1 New York Times best-selling series Chicken Soup for the Soul







"It is the most user- friendly resource that I have ever seen for relationships. It cuts to the core and clarifies many of the issues with which couples struggle."


Judy Sacknoff, M.L.S.


Retired Chief Health Sciences Librarian

Brigham & Women's Hospital, Boston







"A great and refreshing book based on the needs and input of people in relationships. A must-read for professionals and partners alike."


Dr. Richard I. Holloway, Ph.D.


Professor and Associate Chair, Family Medicine

Medical College of Wisconsin







"This easy-to-read book is like a "marriage mirror" that even comes with counsel for what you can do about what you see. A nice blend of sensitivity and directness. Serving over 5 million individuals annually."


Peter Goldberg, President & CEO


Alliance for Children & Families with outreach in over 8,000 communities in North America







"Beth has given us some simple but effective tools to evaluate our relationships. The ultimate goal of having a healthy relationship is more attainable to those willing to use these tools."


Kathie Stolpman, Executive Director


Sojourner Truth House







"A tremendous and highly practical resource for partners and professionals alike, because it describes both the positive qualities that create a healthy relationship and the negative qualities to avoid."


Dr. Bruce Ambuel, Ph.D.


Director, Family Peace Project and Associate Professor Family and Community Medicine



Ask yourself these

three questions:


1. What kind of a relationship do you deserve?


2. Where are you in your relationship?


3. How do you get the relationship you want?




Get a list of the Top 10 Tips for great relationships when you give us your name and email address below!

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Give yourself a Relationship Reality Check! Relationship Rights (and wrongs) is the perfect relationship advice book for you if you are searching for the answers to the questions above. This book will give you the best relationship advice you can find anywhere.



The perfect relationship advice guide for:


People who believe they can keep their own identity and still be in a great relationship

  • Are you giving up who you are or turning yourself into a pretzel to please someone?
  • Have you become someone you don’t recognize in order to keep your partner happy?
  • Did you and your partner fall in love with the people you are or were there misrepresentations to make the “catch”? 


People who are ready to begin a mutually beneficial relationship

  • Is your relationship mutually beneficial to both partners?
  • Do you feel that you are doing all the giving?
  • Are both partners yielding to each other’s needs and interests or does one partner always expect to get his/her own way (or else you’ll pay for it)?


People who wonder what is “normal” or “to be expected” in a healthy relationship

  • Do you want to know if you are expecting (or tolerating) too much in your relationship?
  • Would it be helpful just to see a simple list of the behaviors found in most healthy relationships so that you could see what you have or is missing in your own?
  • Would it be helpful to show this list to your partner (or counselor) in order to express or validate your rightful relationship expectations? 



Relationship Rights - A Must Have

"A great and refreshing book based on the needs and input of people in relationships. A must-read for professionals and partners alike."


Dr. Richard I. Holloway, Ph.D.

Professor and Associate Chair, Family Medicine

Medical College of Wisconsin


Relationship Rights (and wrongs) is a MUST-HAVE for every relationship!


It's a roadmap to healthy relationships. It's a must have because it has an easy to follow list of the common elements you will find in most healthy relationships.


Wouldn't you like to get relationship advice from couples who are already there -- in healthy relationships?


Wouldn't you like to see a list of the things in common they do (or don't do) to make their relationships work?


Wouldn't you like to see what your relationship has in common with theirs? Or is missing from yours?



The best relationship advice is to see what others do in healthy relationships!
The list of the common elements in most healthy relationships help you see what you have or don’t have in your own.


Relationship Rights (and wrongs) gives you this list, definitions and explanations in an easy to recognize, concise format to use now and to keep forever in your library for whenever you need it.


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For $14.95 you get an incredible value.

  • How much is your relationship worth to you?
  • How much would you pay to have a great relationship that makes you feel good about yourself?
  • How would you value being in a relationship that encourages you to become the best you can be, because it is also best for the relationship?
  • How much would you pay to have your differences with your partner settled based on agreements rather than conflict? 
  • How much would you have to spend with marriage counselors at costs of over $100/hour to discuss your differences and try to find agreements?
  • How much time do you have to research and compile the list on your own?


What price do you put on happiness and a great relationship for both partners?

  • This is a resource to use and keep forever.
  • This is probably less than one make-up dinner for two.
  • This is a fraction of the price of one counseling session.
  • This is thousands of dollars less than a divorce.
  • This is days, weeks, months or years less than suffering in a bad relationship.


What You Will Get From Relationship Rights (and wrongs)


Dr. Bruce Ambuel, Ph.D. Director Family Peace Project and Associate Professor Family and Community Medicine says:


"Relationship Rights (and wrongs) is a tremendous and highly practical resource for partners and professionals alike, because it describes both the positive qualities that create a healthy relationship and the negative qualities to avoid."  


1.) The Starting Agreement


Relationship Rights (and wrongs) starts with a simple agreement for couples to build on. Then all behaviors in your relationship can be measured according to the starting agreement rather than prior expectations or differences. This is the only book or relationship program that gives you a starting agreement.


Why is this important? It's important because it gives you a reference point to understand and express your differences.


You'll find this agreement on page 15 of the book.


2.) The Relationship Scale


The Relationship Scale is an invaluable tool that will truly show you where you stand in your relationship. It is a scale from 0 to +10 to show where you feel enhanced by being in the relationship and from 0 to -10 where it detracts from you. 


Relationship Rights Relationship Scale


  • It helps you recognize where you are in your relationship compared to most healthy relationships  
  • It gives you the definitions and language to help communicate this to your partner.  
  • It gives you an independent voice to solve relationship problems based on relationship advice from relationships.
  • It gives you the relationship advice list to make you and your relationship the best it can be.   


relationship rights relationship traffic light

3.) The Relationship Traffic Light:


Relationship Rights (and wrongs) gives you one of the easiest tools to recognize your relationship rights, which we call the RELATIONSHIP TRAFFIC LIGHT



The right to feel safe both physically and emotionally in your relationship  (STOP, if you are living in fear of your partner, whether physical, verbal or emotional.) See your 21 Safety Rights, page 83



The right to gain benefits from being in the relationship  (Partners have to YIELD to give each other benefits.  These benefits should be more than just financial and caretaking, or you may as well just be roommates) – See your 34 Benefit Rights, page 62


The right to be yourself in your relationship  (These are the rights that GO with you whether you are in a relationship or not and must be respected by your partner.) – See your 20 Personal Rights, page 37



4.) Plus So Much More!


Relationship Rights (and wrongs) Quizzes, definitions, and explanations of how you feel to help you identify with the rights. Plus slow down thoughts like this one:


11 Signs of Respect in a Relationship


The following is a list of characteristics you will find in a partner that has respect. A partner:

  1. Respects and listens to your feelings and opinions.
  2. Accepts when you change your mind.
  3. Is able to admit being wrong.
  4. Speaks to you in the same manner and tone that he or she expects from you.
  5. Respects your friends and your right to have friendships outside your relationship.
  6. Makes sure that you feel safe when you are together.
  7. Lets you be yourself.
  8. Is willing to compromise in order to resolve a conflict.
  9. Accepts “no” as an answer when you don’t want to do something.
  10. Respects your right to privacy and your possessions.
  11. Doesn’t expect you to be perfect and accepts your mistakes without judgment or punishment.

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See what this Relationship Advice guide can do for you!

  • Save your marriage or relationship
  • If you are going to a marriage counselor, use the list to help express yourself and save yourself thousands of extra dollars, because you can help pinpoint what is missing
  • Save yourself and get out of a destructive relationship now
  • Validate a break-up and validate yourself
  • Recognize and understand why there was a break-up, so that you can do better the next time



Why Do You Need a List of Your Relationship Rights?

  • If you don’t know what you should have, how will you know what you are missing?
  • If you don’t know what is right, how will you know when something is wrong?
  • If you don’t know where you are, how can you get directions to go somewhere else?


This expert talks about what you can do with this list:

Peter Goldberg, President & CEO Alliance for Children & Families says:


“This easy to read book is like a 'marriage mirror' that even comes with counsel for what you can do about what you see." 

Imagine going to a doctor when you are not feeling well.  You feel achy all over by you can't explain what's wrong. He takes your temperature and it is 103, but he has no baseline to know if this temperature is normal or not. 


You repeat, “But doctor, I’m not feeling well.” 


He doesn’t say that 98.6 is the norm.  Instead, he sends you home saying, “Nice seeing you.  I hope you feel better. Come back next week and we'll discuss this some more.” 


You go home thinking, “I must be crazy.  Maybe I’m just imagining.” 


This is what it feels like being in a relationship without a guideline of the elements in healthy relationships.  You don’t know where you are, what is wrong or what to do.  You often think, “I must be crazy.” 


We’re here to tell you that you are not crazy.  You are not imagining things.
You just need a healthy guideline—Relationship Rights (and wrongs)


The best relationship advice is knowing the elements in common in most relationships.


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Why is Relationship Rights (and wrongs) different than all other relationship books?

Mark Victor Hansen, Co-creator #1 New York Times best-selling series Chicken Soup for the Soul says,

“If you want your relationship to work, read this book.  Relationship Rights (and wrongs) gives both partners understandable guidelines and the language on how to share feelings in a positive way to make the relationship the best it can be.” 


Most relationship books start with differences. 


The book Relationship Rights (and Wrongs) starts with an agreement for both partners & a mutual goal: 


“Both partners should be better as individuals as a result of being in the relationship”


Most other Relationship Books either:

  • Give you a list of all the abusive behaviors that you should not tolerate
  • Give you a list of several things that all happy couples do
  • Give you a list of 20 to 500 questions to determine compatibility, before it even talks about healthy behavior.
  • None of them give you a list of the personal rights of an individual in a relationship that make you the best you can be as a result of being in the relationship so that both partners can make the relationship mutually great.


No other Relationship Books:

  • Give you a relationship traffic light to help you know when to GO-YIELD-STOP.
  • Give you a relationship scale to help you recognize where you are in your relationship compared to most healthy ones.
  • Give you definitions of your relationship rights.
  • Identify feelings you may have with each Relationship Right.
  • Give you examples of other couples understanding their Relationship Rights.
  • Give you journaling questions to help get your concerns in writing, once you know your Relationship Rights.
  • Give you real tried-and-true tips in selecting a good marriage counselor, based on supporting your Relationship Rights


Relationship Rights (and wrongs) can save you not only thousands of dollars, but it can SAVE YOUR RELATIONSHIP!


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Thank you for visiting We hope that you find the relationship advice that you are looking for, and that it helps you more than any other relationship advice guide that you have used. We know once you buy Relationship Rights (and wrongs), you will find fulfillment and satisfaction in a healthy, mutually supportive relationship.