A Compatible or a Mutually Respectful Relationship - Which One do You Want?
When you look at relationships not as putting two people adding up to one, but as two separate individuals coming together, you'll see that there is a great deal of difference between a compatible relationship and a mutually respectful one. After all, a compatible relationship may have both partners with completely different ideas of what a good relationship is.
To avoid this, read this article where you'll learn about 4 typical relationship types, including:
The Convenient Relationship
The Ruling Relationship
- The Mutually Supportive Relationship
Check out this small sample of the article you are about to receive:
"Many different kinds of relationships work. That means that many couples stay together in different types of relationships for different reasons. As long as both partners are getting what they want out of the relationship, then the relationship works. Unfortunately, sometimes people find themselves in one kind of a relationship with different outcomes than expected. Therefore, it’s very important to recognize the kind of a relationship that we want and the kind of a relationship that we are in—and make sure that the two match."
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